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Jim Morrison, an early mystical experience

When he was four or five years old, on a family car trip from Santa Fe to Albuquerque, Jim Morrison said he witnessed a serious road accident involving a group of Navajo Indians.


Very small and worried, while his father stopped to lend his help, he insists on helping too and will tell years later that the soul of a dying Indian would then have taken refuge in his own person.


Jim will be marked for life by this experience, the veracity of which remains doubtful. However, it is possible to see in him a certain attraction for shamanism and Native American culture in general, and this particularly through the way he behaves on stage.


For example, he will allude to this event in the song "Peace Frog": "Indians scattered on dawn's highway bleeding / Ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind." (“Indians strewn across the highway at dawn, bloody/ghosts swarming in young child's mind, fragile as an eggshell”).


He will also talk about it in the poem "Dawn's Highway" set to music on the album "An American Prayer": "We were driving through the desert, at dawn, and a truck full of Indian workers had either hit another car was only - well, I don't know what had happened - but there were Indians lying, scattered on the road, dying, bleeding.[…] It was the first time that I tasted fear . […] My reaction today thinking back to them, seeing them again – is that the souls or spirits of these deceased Indians…maybe one or two of them…were running all over the place, panicked, and they just jumped into my soul. And they are still there.”

Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison
Jim Morrison
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