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Death of Jim Morrison the incredible story of Sam Bernett

Concerning the death of Jim Morrison in Paris, on July 3, 1971. The official testimony as it was told to the French Police by Pamela Courson, the singer's partner, says that after going to see a western in a cinema in piece. The couple would have returned to the apartment in rue Beautreillis to listen to vinyl records before falling asleep. Jim awakened by a disturbing cough and vomiting went to take a bath before telling Pamela not to call a doctor. When Pamela woke up again, Jim was not by her side...


...However, a few years later. Sam Bernett, a radio host and former owner of a Parisian nightclub called "Le Rock n'Roll Circus", claims in his book "The End" that Morrison actually died of a heroin overdose in the toilet of its establishment located Rue Mazarine. the dose in question would have been provided by a certain Jean de Breteuil, then companion of the singer Marianne Faithfull. He also claims to have seen an inert mass under a white sheet, being transported to a taxi in order to be theoretically taken to Rue Beautreillis to be subsequently immersed in a hot bath. A practice apparently widespread in case of overdose.


Can we take Sam Bernett's words literally? In any case, this theory was revived in 2014 by the singer Marianne Faithfull who declared about her companion at the time, Jean De Breteuil:

“He went to Jim Morrison and killed him. But I'm sure it was an accident. The poor. Was the dose too high? Yes. And he died of it. And I didn't know anything about it. Anyway, everyone who was connected to this guy's death is dead now. Except me."


Despite this, Bernett's thesis is still contradictory on some points, and many Doors fans accuse him of making money off a bunch of lies. It is therefore up to you now to form your own opinion on the question...

Sam Bernett
Sam Bernett
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