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"THEMIS" Store / "HWY" Offices - 847 North La Cienega Blvd - LA, CA

To satisfy and make happy his companion, Pamela Courson, Jim Morrison did not hesitate to spend lavishly to offer him all kinds of gifts.

He used to say to his lawyer, Max Fink, "Give her what she wants."...

Thus in 1969, Morrison offered Pamela her own clothing store. The latter will be named "THEMIS", named after the Greek goddess of justice, law and equity. (Certainly a nod to the legal troubles Jim faces.)

Located at 947 North La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles, the building houses both the store in question, where upstairs are the offices in which Jim Morrison, Babe Hill, Frank Lisciandro and others, will think and realize the final cut of the film "HWY: An American Pastoral".

Pamela decorates her shop by hanging peacock feathers on the walls. The place with the many wooden beams is dark, the lighting is done only with candles. On the nose, the smells of incense dominate, while the colorful clothes are lined up in one corner of the room.

The testimonials that come to us concerning Pamela's shop speak of relatively expensive items. Indeed, Pam' to provide herself, did not hesitate to travel, bringing with her clothes from Morocco and other countries...Once back in Los Angeles, she was happy to inflate the prices of her items, especially for the wives of other DOORS members!

Among "THEMIS" clients are the likes of Miles Davis and actress Sharon Tate.

Finally, Pamela's shop will close its doors in 1971, shortly before the departure of the two lovers for Paris...

Unofficially, it is said that the place whose charges were becoming too expensive and for which Jim Morrison was truly ruined, had to be sold before financial problems arise.


Today, after having housed an art gallery, the place seems to be occupied by both a carpet store called "Mahin" and a jeweler. The floor meanwhile, is for rent.

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