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Jim Morrison's first poem

Written on May 21, 1954, when he was only 10 years old, "The Pony Express" is the first poem by Jim Morrison of which we have found the written trace.

"The Pony Express", as its name suggests, is about the system of mail delivery and distribution on horseback in the United States.

In service between April 3, 1860 and October 1861. the service connected in about ten days Saint-Joseph in Missouri to Sacramento in California via the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains and the Sierra Nevada, this system aimed to get out the western United States from its geographic isolation.

Long declared missing, Jim's 1st poem resurfaced a few years ago in an article in "Rolling Stone" magazine, the original paper has since been on display at the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame Museum in Cleveland, Arizona. Ohio.

Jim himself has repeatedly confessed to destroying his early poems, stating, "If I hadn't, I probably wouldn't have written anything good afterwards." He had mentioned "The Pony Express" in an interview with Jerry Hopkins in 1969.

Here is the English/French transcription of this poem:


The Pony Express carried the mail

Over hill, over dale, over rough

rugged trails.

And the brave men that carried it didn't

complain, for they knew they were helping

their good countries name.

They rode and rode through strong

winds and rain, just to carry the

mail and build up our name.

Over Indian country and great sandy

complains, they carried the mail and shared

our great fame.



The Pony Express carried the mail

On the hill, on the valley, on the rough uneven paths.

And the brave men who wore it didn't complain, because they knew they were helping

the name of their good country.

They rolled and rode through loud

winds and rain, just to carry the

mail and build our name.

Over Indian country and the great silted plain they carried the mail and shared

our great fame.

Jim Morrison
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